Is Murcia worth visiting

Well, most definitely! Murcia is 100% worth a visit. This is a stunning metropolis in its beauty with elegant architectural solutions. Modern houses are intertwined with historical buildings, trendy street food bars closely coexist with wine cellars, glass business centers with Catholic churches here. Murcia an inspiring space that is worth visiting at least once!

The best times to visit Murcia

The best seasons to visit Murcia are spring and fall. In summer it's very hot there, and because of the dense buildings - winds are rare guests. In winter it'is much more comfortable. At Christmas, the region is transformed. 

Christmas decorations contrast brightly on houses with flowering orange trees. Such alleys add " taste” to the surroundings. most definitely!

How to get to Murcia from the coastal cities

There are several ways to get to Murcia from coastal cities such as Alicante, Torrevieja, Orihuela and Cartagena. The journey time can vary depending on the distance, but it generally takes around 1-2 hours. 

Murcia is easily accessible by car. The distance between Murcia - Alicante is 75 km, which is not far. The distance from Torrevieja to Murcia is 50 km. (from Orihuela a couple of km more).  

By taxi: taxis are available in most coastal cities to Murcia

How can i spend 1 day in murcia

There are literally so many things to do in Murcia, but when traveling you only have one day in a city and that's a normal practice. With a day in Murcia you can cover several TOP sights from your Murcia bucket list. 

Morning: Start you day with a visit to the Cathedral of Murcia, which is the city's most iconic landmark. Our advice is to look at the building from different angles because it was built in the Baroque era and combines 3 styles: Renaissance, Neoclassicism, and Gothic.

Opening hours: Monday-Friday 7:00 -13:00 and 17:00-20:00;  Saturday-Sunday until 21:00, with a break for Siesta. 

With one day in Murcia you can see a lot of historical buildings and tourist attractions such as: City Hall, park Glorieta de Espana, Palacio Episcopal, Teatro Romeo. 

After visiting the cathedral, turn to the direction of Calle Traperia. Here you gonna see the Real Casino Murcia. The Museum-Palace is famous for its stylish interiors and exhibition of sculptures.

  • The passing cost varies from 3 to 5 euros and you can get there daily from 10:30-19:00.
Part of your journey will be centered around the two streets Plateria and Trapezium. It is noteworthy that they received their names from the types of trading activities that are relevant to today. On the first - lived and worked jewelers and masters of over coins, on the second-merchants of fabrics.

Lunch: It's time going for a bite to eat at Plaza Las Flores (Flower square) - the meeting place of the famous tapas-bars. Local snack in these parts is considered to be La Marinera-consisting of crispy bread, pate, and anchovies. Bon appetit!

Afternoon: there are plenty of things to see and do near Segura river waterfront. This is a great area for the promenade, including sights - parks Del Malecón and Jardin de Floridablanca. About the later, here is an opinion, as the progenitor of all Spanish gardens and squares.  

The Segura river bridge (nicknamed as old, the bridge of dangers) is indeed a popular tourist attraction that is worth seeing. The bridge was built in the 18th century, and it plays an imortant role in the city's transportation network. 

The next stops of walking tour is Segura Sardine it's a bronze fountain with references to the holiday of the same name, which will also be insight.

Finally: end your day with two options. The first one is Terra Natura park, the secod is Castillo Monteagudo.

Sardine funeral Murcia


Terra Natura is a nature and wildlife park that offers visitors a unique experience of exploring animal kingdom. Apart from the animal exhibits, Terra Natura also has a water park section with various slides and pools.

Las Fallas - the holiday of fire in Murcia


Just 7 km from the urbanization on the top of the mountain is erected the fortress, Castillo Monteagudo, its crown was a fourteen-meter statue of Jesus Christ Murcia (Corazon de Jesus). To visit the inner courtyards of the castle, keep to the left and use the signs on the way to the hill.

Address for navigator: Plaza Iglesia 2. On your own: bus number 36, stop: Cuartel.

Why Murcia 

Murcia - is great trip from Torrevieja, Orihuela, Alicante for several reasons: first - the distance and transport. Second, lots things to see and do. The city is rich in history and culture, with numerous museums, churches, and other sites to explore. Third, a walking tour of Murcia will take about 3-4 hours, you won't get tired. 

What Not to Miss in Murcia

These things you should not miss in Murcia - Sardine Funeral - Las Fallas - Sports matches - Shopping


Painting by artist Francisco Goya. Postage. No, it's not what you might think. The situation is exactly the opposite and has nothing to do with the burial ritual. On his canvas, the author depicted a raging from cheering up the public. Fool's Day and Self Irony Day - let's mark it this way! The winner of annual contest for the best "Sardine" in her will "flatteringly" speaks about the ruling parties that have promised something and have not done it. A real parade of humor and wit!


From March 10 to 20, citizens celebrate the holiday of fire - Las Fallas. The carnival lasts almost two weeks and is accompanied by processions and fireworks. A distinctive feature of these celebrations is the burning of wooden dolls, which are giant copies of characters from animated series and comics.


Real Murcia Football Club performs in Segunda B. He is in one subgroup with another local UCAM team. Would you go on such a derby? BC UKAM - or the united team of the Catholic University takes part in the ACB top league games.


Ikea is a freestanding shopping center with Scandinavian branded goods. The official website of the division: Get ideas for furnishing your apartment and choose a room design at:

Parque Comercial Thader, Av. Don Juan de Borbón